
Monday, 1 February 2010

Osteopathy, Back Pain and Water - Could Water Be the Answer to Your Lower Back Pain?

For many people, maybe like yourself that suffer with lower back pain a visit to their local chiropractor, physiotherapist or osteopath can be a god send. But how many of you have to go through the same process again months or even weeks later? The problem is that by using just manipulation or massage you are not getting at the underlying reason for the problem. This article takes a look at how a few litres of water a day can give you long term relief from your lower back pain.

One of my failings as a business man is that I get my clients better too quickly and that I am able to give people the right advice to keep their lower back pain for long periods of time. I am happy with that because it makes me a good osteopath and also because it would drive me crazy seeing the same people again and again week after week.

Whenever I mention that I am an osteopath the conversation inevitably gets on to lower back pain. They say that they have had it for years and they usually have to go and see their chiropractor, physiotherapist, or osteopath who sorts them out over a few sessions. This is a bit of an occupational hazard. The situation gets more uncomfortable when they ask me for my advice. The reason it is uncomfortable for me is because, through experience many people aren't going to like my answer. Many people through conditioning are happy to accept an explanation of "your vertebra is out of line" or, "you have a trapped nerve". When I start to mention things like diet or nutrition I quickly see peoples eyes glaze over and they quickly go on the defensive, saying that their diet is fine.

For people a bit more open such yourself the simple answer is that if people are dehydrated then it can lessen the strength in the muscles in your lower back. In particular the psoas muscles which large core muscles that are important for stabilising the back. These are particularly sensitive to changes in hydration.

So if your lower back pain starts to resurface again try drinking a pint or two of water and see what happens.

Dominick Hussey

Osteopath and Functional Medicine Practitioner

Osteopathy and Functional Medicine

This information given in this article is not intended to replace the services of a physician. Information in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this is article at the reader's discretion.

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