Just because you don't have any obvious digestive symptoms does not mean digestion is a ok.
One startling statistic that highlights this point, is that 1 in 8 people who are diagnosed with Celiac disease do not have any digestive symptoms. In my practice I would also apply this to people who are non-celiac gluten sensitive. These people just like the celiacs can have a plethora of non-digestive symptoms such as:
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Autoimmune Disease
- Brain Fog
- Canker Sores
- Cold Intolerance
- Depression
- Dry Skin
- Joint Pain
- Menstrual problems
- Neck and Back Pain
- Tiredness
However despite the lack their lack of digestive symptoms I know that gluten is giving their digestive tract all number of issues including:
- Intestinal Permeability or Leaky Gut
- Intestinal Dysbiosis or Bacterial Imbalance
- Poor nutritional absorption
You may not be aware that upto 85% of your immune system can be found in your small intestine. If that is the case then if you have any problem with your health then there is a very high probability that your digestion is in trouble.
And is not only gluten that is giving your digestion the run around...
There are many other factors that can be effecting your digestion including:
- Chlorine
- Foods which cross react with gluten
- Genetically modified Foods
- Molds
- Pesticides
- Prescription medication
All these factors could be silently damaging your gut and immune system.
I hope you found these ideas useful. More importantly, I hope you do something with them.
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