
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

How to optimize your health...Part 1.

How to optimize your health… by doing all the work.

Maybe the biggest difference between people who are relatively healthy and everyone else, is this:

The most well people do 100% of what’s required to succeed.
The average person does 100% of the things required… so long as they feel comfortable doing it.

The difference in results between those 2 mindsets is enormous. The well person sees her health needs something, and does it. The typical person sees the same thing, then weighs it up based on how comfortable they are about it. If it feels too uncomfortable, even though their health needs it, they don't do it.

For example: I had two clients come to see me yesterday. The first one came to me as she was feeling totally out of sorts and wanted me to straighten her out. When I asked her what she had been eating she had totally gone back on all the foods that had made her ill in the first place. When I asked her why she said it was all too much trouble and she missed those foods. The second client was coming for his second visit. I had asked him to avoid wheat and mold including coffee. He had totally come off coffee and had endured a 4 day headache from hell to achieve it. He had also decided to cut out all dairy as well which had given him the feeling of a bad head cold for 3 days. Despite that he told me he was feeling better and was able to cope with a very stressful day at work where he had to sack a friend without feeling physically broken afterwards.

If your health needs something, do it. Puff out your chest, leave your comfort zone and make the right decision rather than the easy decision.

So, to optimize your health do all the work required.


I hope you found these ideas useful. More importantly, I hope you do something with them.

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