
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

How to Optimize your health part 2....Knowledge is Power!

I read a great quote the other day:

"Food can be the slowest form of poison or the most powerful form of medicine. But knowledge is power."

For me as a practitioner and somebody trying to look after my own health, these words are so powerful. Within traditional medicine model we are so reliant on the knowledge of others about our health that we literally put our lives in other peoples hands. Of course we have to trust people to a certain extent as we cannot know everything but a little knowledge can often help you to make an informed decision when given the advice of a health practitioner or doctor.

For some people I talk to, in my opinion, there source of knowledge is often from popular media or the government, which have it's own spin or bias. I may and usually have a different opinion on that point of view but rarely do I try and blast people down with an alternate view but rather I ask people, "So how is that working for you. Is that knowledge guiding you towards optimum health?"

If the persons health is not that great, and most of the time it is not then I might suggest a book to read or an online seminar they can listen to, from which they can make up their own minds.

Your health and your body are precious gifts so ultimately it's up to you to decide what is best, and the best way to do that is through knowledge.

On that note, I'm going to share with you some of the resources I use to improve my knowledge to help you. On November I looking forward to a free online digestion event where 25 of the worlds top functional doctors and nutritionists will be talking about how to heal digestive problems naturally. 

Check out the trailer for the event below:

To register for this free event go here:


I hope you found these ideas useful. More importantly, I hope you do something with them.

Dominick Hussey

Osteopathic and Functional Medicine Practitioner

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